Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Three Christmas Angels

Are you busy with shopping, wrapping, baking, visiting, partying, etc?  Have you taken a moment to stop and SAVOR, ENJOY, REMINISCE, LOVE, WORSHIP, BE THANKFUL, BE SATISFIED, BE BLESSED?  Please join me while I thank my heavenly Father for three of my most precious blessings.....

 Brody Cox Age 6
Amazingly sweet, Loves a good back rub, Enjoys playing on the Wii, Fascinated with drawing football plays with his daddy, Hates to walk the dog after school, Super reader, Great Speller (he wants to spell everything he says!), Mommy's baby
 Cooper Cox, Age 6
Mommy's biggest helper, Kindest heart, Works super hard to please, Loves to snuggle, Would crawl under my skin if he could, Likes late nights, Emergent reader, Great basketball and soccer player, Enjoys stuffed animals, Makes a nest when he sleeps (of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals), Love to tackle his dad
Molly Cox, Age 7
My sweet baby girl, My first-born, Loves to color and draw, Has high hopes of becoming a writer one day, Teacher's helper, Enjoys helping in the kitchen, Thoroughly enjoys her shows on Disney, My princess, Daddy's girl

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS POST! Melted my heart. You are very blessed, Toni Jill Cox!

    .mac :)
