Monday, September 20, 2010

Brody's Surgery

We got the call today from the hospital and Brody has to be at Children's Hospital in the morning at 6:30 a.m. for surgery around 7:30. The surgery should only take less than an hour and then recovery and a popsicle! That's what he is most excited about ;) We will be home I bet before lunch and hopefully all will be well. We plan on trying to go to school Wednesday with his only restrictions being: No Swimming for 2 weeks and No playing in sand or dirt. So pretty much after surgery tomorrow we should be good to go! We will go back Wednesday for a post-op appointment and then a week after and then finally a month after. Please pray that one surgery is plenty. Please pray that being put to sleep is ont an issue. Please pray that the medicine does not make him sick and recovery is as easy as they say. Please pray for momma and daddy who don't like to have to give their baby over to someone to be put to sleep and have surgery on his eyes which we think are perfect. Please pray that one surgery is enough. Thank you all for standing with us on this and for all of your prayers!